Friday, 19 August 2022

UK collapse

The ridiculous bing/bang between the UK's would-be Prime Ministers is the biggest farce in the UK's politics, economics and Prime Ministers since the 1938 'Peace in Our Time'. On one side Truss says she will reduce taxes to prevent stagnation (increasing inflation). The other hand, Sunak will increase taxes to prevent inflation (increasing stagnation). Neither of them have any grip on the real UK's worst condition in comparison to all other of the West richer nations. Both of them are going to fail pretty quickly. Meanwhile millions will suffer.

Alas, the Labour leadership, who lost 91,000 members last year, are pretending that a universal six month 'gift' to the rich and poor for their heating will turn away the UK's woes. The next Tory leader will probably do the same with a different name as the popular fury rises. And this will continue, just the same as Labour's 'great' offer, to spin and crash. 

The waning structures of the UK's failings were already close to the most of the declining G7/8 nations well before 2010. (Russia got into the G8 in 1998, then was kicked out in 2014.) The UK has been wobbling for some time near the bottom of the G7. Now it dramatically stands out. 

Today's weakness of western capitalism in the UK context had been once its historical strength. However the UK's Slavery and its Empire were eventually defeated and then it drizzled away over a hundred years - except for the UK's banking centre of the capitalist world. London's web in the world-wide secrets of banking has the nation's main Gross Domestic Product (GDP), telling us our richness in the country. The UK's actual richness is almost the opposite of its real development. The UK's money does not have and rarely ever has been created by real new developments, except, marginally, like the building industry. Wealth in the UK comes mainly from the vast trade of money itself. Creation of new industries, of profits that provide development, rarely works in the UK. Globalisation was never a creation of world wide 'things' for the UK. In the UK it was and remains the worldwide sale of the use of money. Any particular steps that do pop up, as with the internet cartoons industry for example, are rapidly sold outside the UK for individual profit' for wealth. The international UK is dramatically and insanely and personally rich.

Many of the G7 countries are pulling back as the result of the current break-up of globalisation. This leads into smaller national constructions for local profit, using increasing potential for development in their own hands or in connection with specific local close nations to reorganise profit. These ideas do not resolve the breaking down of globalisation in the medium term. But as the G7 shows, the UK is the most vulnerable because it does not and cannot change their profits into major local development.

Truss, Sunak and Starmer are desperate to get going with the UK's over-dominated capitalism. But the UK is the west's weakest link that has failed continually in the last 12 decades. No UK Prime Minister has changed capitalist GDP into national and local development (except in WW2). And the new three would-be leaders are the worst yet.

Two giant steps are urgently needed. 

The dynamic and direct shift of the economy and politics are the only means to break through real development, dumping the GDP that simply increases the rich squeeze and the increasing wealthy. That enormous fact will need all major institutions, from water to heating to travel and to the banks and their associates, organising the requirements for the mass of the people.

Second, there has to be a growing movement of millions of people that simply and directly and united insisting, by action and by discussion, to begin the means of the new development in society. There are many shifts in the coming days and weeks that will open the road. Parties and movements fighting for particular demands need to join an independent unity as the first priority. The People's Assembly conference on November the 6th could be a good start. The most immediate danger as the Tories fail is the sectarian approach of most of the Labour leaders, whose main aim is to change the name of the Prime Minister in number 10. Most people, even those who see the need to stop the Tories, already see very well how the Labour leaders are definitely not the answer. There will be a clash with that particular pending movement no doubt so a new unity can be resolved. 

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