Problem 1 and Solution 1
28 August 2022
Here is problem 1.
It’s clear that a class battle is immediately ahead, starting from the new Tory leaders’ attacks against the campaigns of the trade unions. The unions are ‘defensive’ which doesn’t at all mean that they are willing to fall back. ‘Defensive’ in this case means that the goals of the unions are designed to increase workers wages and defend or increase worker’s conditions. For example, although a General Strike has been raised when the new Tories set up their new terrible anti union laws, the TUC for one will do its best to smother any direct action. And the union leaders could split.
We are all aware that a real crisis of capitalism is developing fast, especially in the UK. And that there will be a major clash between workers and the government that will be supporting the government in different ways by the employers and major owners.
Solution 1
At the moment most workers and the poor, even many middle class people, are supporting the unions and their claims. But this rackety government will decide that the central issue is to defeat the unions. Despite their weakness this is how they will try to do it: ‘the trade unionists are already reasonably well off .... they are taking their increases away from the real poor ... with our £billions of hand-outs, we are the ones who are fighting for the poor, not unions!
The step that has to be made as quickly as possible is the building of a mass coalition in society, centred by the fighting unions and all those who are struggling with day to day existence, really trying to push back poverty. Organisations like ‘Enough is Enough, and the People’s Assembly urgently need a conference or conferences to unite. The organisations above and others can bring together the new Ideas and charters that have already been spelled out - how to redistribute wealth and the reorganisation of key companies whose vast profits block the real progress for the future and all the people.
It is essential to act now. Otherwise the battle will be longer and harder.
Problem 2 and solution 2
2 September 2022
Problem 2 and Solution 2 starts with the Trade Union Congress in September 11th.As we know the TUC is a policy-making body that votes and decides the motions that delegates offer to the Congress. Meanwhile the likely PM Truss has a set of drastic anti union laws, prepared very quickly. In reality this is the main policy for the Tory government - to destroy all organised movements fighting independently against all types of poverty. The TUC needs to be act decisively.
Solution 2
There are also two options emerging in the TUC. The first is the clear decision to reject the new Tory Union laws. They are already the worst in most of Europe. The second is attached to the views of the Labour leader, barrister Starmer, trying to use legal arguments to stop or mellow the new laws. This would be also done with a TUC panel, designed to put pressure on the Tories. No deal. A mix up pretending both arguments won’t work. It will break up the growing movements that are uniting and changing our rotten, weak government towards a real democracy.
Our solution is to support action both inside and outside the TUC. Unions lead for now. And they must carry on with the whole peoples‘ rights - the rights that most of us will need in the months to come.
Prime Minister Truss is increasing heat and light costs in all households upto £2500 over 2 years - so long as you stay 'cool'. If you increase the light because you are getting blind, or it's a cold winter, the costs will go up in your house. If more money is needed you will lose your credit score - permanently. Truss thinks there should be costs at her certain level, which she decides for you. Meanwhile, a £2500 hike is already a disaster for a million or so. And increasing payment for food is not even mentioned.
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