Monday, 26 September 2022

Problems and Solutions 6

26 September


It's now well known that Prime Minister Truss and Chancellor Kwarteng, among others, wrote a book, published in 2012 and called 'Britannia Unchanged'. Truss and Kwarteng said 'The British are among the worst idlers in the world. We work among the lowest hours, we retire early and our productivity is poor.' 
They are tricking us. What Truss and Kwarteng are doing is pretending that workers and small business people are the reason for the UK's 'poor productivity'. The reality is that big British corporations do not send their profits to pay for new developments, they spend them. They have been doing this since 1950 on and off - in order to gather their own, personal wealth. And the core of this 'system' is London banking and its tax-free attached nations.
Most daily work in the UK today has two aspects. First, there is the rise of small businesses, which now provides 3/5ths of all work. Second, small businesses and the workers who work in the public and private sectors, have had their wages and earnings mainly reduced for decades. 
Worse. T and W are actually planning to raise their productivity by using a Singapore version of work in the UK. This means removing and selling private organisations, applying drastic work- times, reducing wages and conditions for workers. (The average wage in Singapore in 2022 decreased. There are no minimum wages. Most workers live on £650 per month. Food etc is described as expensive compared with SE Asia in general.) Grinding work for millions is to be the secret for the TW version of productivity. 


Nothing can be done until this shaky government is thrown away or crashes. When T and K are dumped in the bin, to get productivity in the UK (and it is worse than most western countries) is to go public. The failure of privatisation is as plain to plain to see. The mighty corporations need to start by a legally set-up, 50% to 50% with the new government. Productivity therefore grows automatically in such alliances. If refused, our corporation and its wealth will be sequestered. Fully public, either by the genuine democratic government or by democratic overseen state capitalism, can push development to a dramatic result. Other contexts in the worlds' nations are already using such examples, and that is without the push that a new and collective democracy would propel forward a society with the benefits of a Western state. 
Brian Heron  

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