Monday, 26 September 2022

Problems and Solutions 6

26 September


It's now well known that Prime Minister Truss and Chancellor Kwarteng, among others, wrote a book, published in 2012 and called 'Britannia Unchanged'. Truss and Kwarteng said 'The British are among the worst idlers in the world. We work among the lowest hours, we retire early and our productivity is poor.' 
They are tricking us. What Truss and Kwarteng are doing is pretending that workers and small business people are the reason for the UK's 'poor productivity'. The reality is that big British corporations do not send their profits to pay for new developments, they spend them. They have been doing this since 1950 on and off - in order to gather their own, personal wealth. And the core of this 'system' is London banking and its tax-free attached nations.
Most daily work in the UK today has two aspects. First, there is the rise of small businesses, which now provides 3/5ths of all work. Second, small businesses and the workers who work in the public and private sectors, have had their wages and earnings mainly reduced for decades. 
Worse. T and W are actually planning to raise their productivity by using a Singapore version of work in the UK. This means removing and selling private organisations, applying drastic work- times, reducing wages and conditions for workers. (The average wage in Singapore in 2022 decreased. There are no minimum wages. Most workers live on £650 per month. Food etc is described as expensive compared with SE Asia in general.) Grinding work for millions is to be the secret for the TW version of productivity. 


Nothing can be done until this shaky government is thrown away or crashes. When T and K are dumped in the bin, to get productivity in the UK (and it is worse than most western countries) is to go public. The failure of privatisation is as plain to plain to see. The mighty corporations need to start by a legally set-up, 50% to 50% with the new government. Productivity therefore grows automatically in such alliances. If refused, our corporation and its wealth will be sequestered. Fully public, either by the genuine democratic government or by democratic overseen state capitalism, can push development to a dramatic result. Other contexts in the worlds' nations are already using such examples, and that is without the push that a new and collective democracy would propel forward a society with the benefits of a Western state. 
Brian Heron  

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Problem and Solution 5

 Problem 5

21 September 

A block of continuous, eastern Ukrainian regions will now be setting up dubius elections under Russia's command, pulling together four intended would-be Russian sectors; Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia. The four easten sectors are combined wedges that are facing Russia in the East. They will hold 'referendums' to become a total and complete part of Russia, following the elections between September 23-27. 

Western nations have condemned Moscow's plans. But most of the Western comments focus on the vast Russian military movement, which Putin has decided to launch. The absence of full mobilisation is undoubtedly required to ensure that it is the military that will manage Putin's objectives. The full and total armies of Russia, pretending versions of the WW2 and the Nazi's, would raise the question of Putin's sanity.

But the equally stupid responses in the rest of the West, particularly those of Biden and Truss to this new context, has not yet been understood.

Putin will decide the election results, in order to state that the four combined sectors are now a part of the nation of Russia. This new part of the nation will be fighting for the nation of Russia. Not bits of Crimea. This is now the part of the Russian nation, defending its whole existence.


When Kennedy 'won' his battle with Kruschev's missiles about to land in Cuba, it was not a victory. Kruschev wanted Turkey's US missiles entirely out of Russia's domain. A couple of months later, as with Cuba, they were all gone. 

The war in Ukraine cannot be won with the West's armaments. The deaths and destruction are  increasing, enjoyed only by building up stupendous weapons. Equally, Russia cannot control most of Ukraine. India and China are not jumping. It is NOT a world war. 

A silent offer on both sides, NATO and Russia, (hopefully noisier and noisier as the battles get more and more hideous) can accept the Russian plan, after their votes. An agreement where both sides commit for no nukes once again. An agreement for re-building across the whole of Ukraine; an agreement combined that both countries would seek common goals. 

Oh yes, Boris was a mini warmonger. Now get Truss out. 

Brian Heron

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Problems and solutions 4

Problems and Solutions 4


15 September

Hundreds of thousands in the UK are actively focussed on the death of Queen Elizabeth. The Queen was a foremost person of wealth and her privileges were, together with her family, uniquely unavailable to every other UK citizen. She was nice to Corgis and enjoyed Horse Racing. She cried when she lost her yacht Britannia. PM Blair had to hastily dig out the Queen when another million went on the streets to laud Diana after her death. Otherwise, she enjoyed being treated as the lords and ladies, chatting down with the public, and the great banquets with the top knobs. 

The most important political importance of the Queen (and now the King) is the connection of the Royal Family to the Parliament, the Lords and the rest of the State. 


The royalty's history is mainly foul, stinking through its centuries of Empire. Today it still remains the largest single block to democracy. Not only do they have many of their own laws and rules over vast private lands for example, but Parliaments and the State often directly use royalty. A particular example is UK sales, offered by UK royalty, for weapons used by many other royals or/and dictators. As today, with our desperate conditions for millions who are short of heat, light and food, are smothered by hymns, soldiery, fake history, all to avoid the UK's real crisis. Another 'Brexit' might be in order now. 

At any point let this fatuous farce end. And now the current nonsense can start a direct response. In many parts of the UK they are desperate for their own democracy, that will decide for a rapid change regardless of any royalty. But for those who still feel a sentiment, an interim royal family that goes to work, that lives in houses that they pay for and that do not have a cincilla of a connection with state and governments, might enjoy bicycle tourism. 

Brian Heron

Saturday, 10 September 2022

Problems and solutions - times 3

Problem 1 and Solution 1

28 August 2022

Here is problem 1. 

It’s clear that a class battle is immediately ahead, starting from the new Tory leaders’ attacks against the campaigns of the trade unions. The unions are ‘defensive’ which doesn’t at all mean that they are willing to fall back. ‘Defensive’ in this case means that the goals of the unions are designed to increase workers wages and defend or increase worker’s conditions. For example, although a General Strike has been raised when the new Tories set up their new terrible anti union laws, the TUC for one will do its best to smother any direct action. And the union leaders could split.

We are all aware that a real crisis of capitalism is developing fast, especially in the UK. And that there will be a major clash between workers and the government that will be supporting the government in different ways by the employers and major owners. 

Solution 1

At the moment most workers and the poor, even many middle class people, are supporting the unions and their claims. But this rackety government will decide that the central issue is to defeat the unions. Despite their weakness this is how they will try to do it: ‘the trade unionists are already reasonably well off .... they are taking their increases away from the real poor ... with our £billions of hand-outs, we are the ones who are fighting for the poor, not unions!

The step that has to be made as quickly as possible is the building of a mass coalition in society, centred by the fighting unions and all those who are struggling with day to day existence, really trying to push back poverty. Organisations like ‘Enough is Enough, and the People’s Assembly urgently need a conference or conferences to unite. The organisations above and others can bring together the new Ideas and charters that have already been spelled out -  how to redistribute wealth and the reorganisation of key companies whose vast profits block the real progress for the future and all the people. 

It is essential to act now. Otherwise the battle will be longer and harder. 

Problem 2 and solution 2

2 September 2022

Problem 2 and Solution 2 starts with the Trade Union Congress in September 11th.As we know the TUC is a policy-making body that votes and decides the motions that delegates offer to the Congress. Meanwhile the likely PM Truss has a set of drastic anti union laws, prepared very quickly. In reality this is the main policy for the Tory government - to destroy all organised movements fighting independently against all types of poverty. The TUC needs to be act decisively.

Solution  2
There are also two options emerging in the TUC. The first is the clear decision to reject the new Tory Union laws. They are already the worst in most of Europe. The second is attached to the views of the Labour leader, barrister Starmer, trying to use legal arguments to stop or mellow the new laws. This would be also done with a TUC panel, designed to put pressure on the Tories. No deal. A mix up pretending both arguments won’t work. It will break up the growing movements that are uniting and changing our rotten, weak government towards a real democracy.

Our solution is to support action both inside and outside the TUC. Unions lead for now. And they must carry on with the whole peoples‘ rights - the rights that most of us will need in the months to come.

Problem 3 and solution 3

10 September 2022

Prime Minister Truss is increasing heat and light costs in all households upto £2500 over 2 years - so long as you stay 'cool'. If you increase the light because you are getting blind, or it's a cold winter, the costs will go up in your house. If more money is needed you will lose your credit score - permanently. Truss thinks there should be costs at her certain level, which she decides for you. Meanwhile, a £2500 hike is already a disaster for a million or so. And increasing payment for food is not even mentioned.

The £100 to £150 billion will come from the State. But every penny will be taken back from the State and paid from the ordinary people over years.Truss does not believe in taxes used for the poor. That means a UK with a less NHS (if any at all), a less public education, the decline of all wages and many salaries - and the further drop of huge welfare needs.
The staggering increases of profit that have been made through both the Covid period in the West and now the Russian/West war, wrenches away all possibilities of UK social needs for years to come.

Solution 3
Prime Minister Truss, with 81,326 votes of Tory members, has to go as soon as possible. Instead we desperately need a new election and a new government. The answer to the Truss crises is for a new  government to take away the main private corporations that are bubbling up their incredible profits. Then the profits could be generally spread across us all. 
Many Tories see the coming debacle as a sort of renewal of Churchill, of 'pulling together' and of the marvelous British middle class family. It could not be more ridiculous. Although now is not (yet) in a direct war danger, as in 1939, the UK does indeed need drastic change. 
Basic food needs free rationing for all, available in supermarkets, free instead of the shameful food parcels. Meanwhile the expensive foods available will pay the costs to provide money for free rationing. Health and welfare come first to overthrow the utter mess of the current government. Key utilities, now speculating from their vast profits, need to be the first step in the making of new public industries.

To get here we need to combine the many so far separate organisations and movements to lead the way.